Some selections of Economic Plans/Proformas/Zoning by Emmons.

Zoning/Economics: Emmons made the ‘Blue Book’ for the South Waterfront central district, which studied the feasibility of new projects in the district.


Zoning/Economics: Emmons was commissioned by the Portland Development Commission to study potential projects feasible in the RH zone on MLK, Jr. Boulevard - tied to current market conditions, economics, and lot size.

Zoning/Economics: Emmons was commissioned by the Portland Bureau of Planning to study potential projects feasible in vicinity of Interstate Avenue - tied to current and projected market conditions, economics, and lot size.

Zoning/Economics: Emmons made the ‘Blue Book’ for the Portland Downtown Waterfront project, which studied the feasibility of new, remodel and historic building projects in the district.

Economics/Proforma: As part of the Kah San Chako Haws housing project, Emmons prepared Proformas for the project, in partnership with the project’s development team.